Category Archives: Solaris

PyhtmlTable, and Python html table simliar to table.php or

It occurred to me after I’d updated my website to the new wordpress hotness, some of my old, and potentially useful links might have become obfuscated. This is a link to PyHtmlTable, and Python library to generate html tables programatically. … Continue reading

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Hard Drive failures and mitigation: brochure, theory, practice

I was asked to explain drive failures and mitigation efforts to some Director level and Aboves relative to our servers, after one server had issues due to a bad drive. “How are we not monitoring for these types of failures, … Continue reading

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Applied Laziness, bash functions to make you a better lazier sysadmin

As a good sysadmin, you are probably in the good habit of making a backup copy of critical system files before editing them. But, as a good sysadmin, you are probably confident enough to occasionally skip the above step. With … Continue reading

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Solaris SDS/ODS/SVM san migration with minimal downtime

I need to migrate a Solaris 10 database server from an old san array to a newer one, while taking as small an outage as we can. I came upon the migration method below by necessity. We have a fairly … Continue reading

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